Infocom security standard of embedded software on smartphone systems (ESS)
發佈日期:2021-01-28 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0029(E) v1.0:2021
The standard of TAICS TS-0029 v1.0 “Infocom security standard of embedded software on smartphone systems” had been developed by combining “The testing specifications of embedded software on smartphone systems (智慧型手機系統內建軟體資通安全檢測技術規範)”and global relating standards for smartphones, including smartphone secure development guidelines, mobile security testing guides, and GSMA SGP.25. The scope of this standard covers security issues in following four aspects: (1) application programs layer, (2) communication protocols layer, (3) operating system layer, and (4) hardware layer. This standard is expected to be adopted by smartphone manufacturers, software developers, and testing laboratories for developing their smartphone business, respectively.
This standard is supported by National Communications Commission (NCC), R.O.C. and will be the basis for ESS testing and certification.