
Cybersecurity Test Specification for Video Surveillance System-Part 1: General Requirements

發佈日期:2019-05-30 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0015-1(E) v1.0

TAICS TS-0015-1(E) “Cybersecurity Test Specification for Video Surveillance System-Part 1: General Requirements” describes general testing methods and criteria to verify whether video surveillance systems with focus on IP cameras, digital video recorders, network video recorders and network attached storages meet the norms specified in TAICS TS-0014-1(E). This series of test specifications are supported by National Communications Commission (NCC) and Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA), R.O.C..



發佈日期:2019-05-16 / 文件編號:TAICS TR-0011 v1.0

本研究從國內外企業組網佈建的情境案例分析開始,提出兩種企業內部電信組網架構:一般架構及專網架構,分析並整理出企業內可運用的組網可能架構。本研究並探討多邊緣接取運算技術(Multi-access Edge Computing, MEC)的導入及小基站自我組織網路(Self-Organization Network, SON)在企業組網架構中的角色定位及運用。目前各國對於垂直場域的頻譜規畫仍在摸索階段,垂直場域的應用及商業需求亦尚未明確,本研究由技術面探討幾種組網架構,可以協助業界瞭解企業組網的解決方案,以加速產業推動。



發佈日期:2019-04-27 / 文件編號:TAICS RP-0001



Video Surveillance System Cybersecurity Standard- Part 4: Network Attached Storage

發佈日期:2019-03-26 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0014-4(E) v1.0

TAICS TS-0014-4(E) “Video Surveillance System Cybersecurity Standard-Part 4: Network Attached Storage” addresses the specific cybersecurity requirements of network attached storage used in video surveillance systems, which can be applied to network attached storage with networking functions in video surveillance in compliance with the following six categories of security criteria: (1) physical security, (2) system security, (3) communication security, (4) authentication of identities and authorization mechanism security, (5) privacy protection and (6) application security. This series of standards are supported by National Communications Commission (NCC) and Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), R.O.C..


Video Surveillance System Cybersecurity Standard- Part 3: Video Recorder

發佈日期:2019-03-26 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0014-3(E) v1.0

TAICS TS-0014-3(E) “Video Surveillance System Cybersecurity Standard-Part 3: Video Recorder” addresses the specific cybersecurity requirements of video recorders used in video surveillance systems, which can be applied to video recorders with networking functions in video surveillance in compliance with the following six categories of security criteria: (1) physical security, (2) system security, (3) communication security, (4) authentication of identities and authorization mechanism security, (5) privacy protection and (6) application security. This series of standards are supported by National Communications Commission (NCC) and Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), R.O.C..


Video Surveillance System Cybersecurity Standard- Part 2: IP Camera

發佈日期:2019-03-26 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0014-2(E) v2.0

TAICS TS-0014-2(E) “Video Surveillance System Cybersecurity Standard-Part 2: IP Camera” addresses the specific cybersecurity requirements of IP cameras used in video surveillance systems, which can be applied to embedded cameras with networking functions in video surveillance in compliance with the following five categories of security criteria: (1) physical security, (2) system security, (3) communication security, (4) authentication of identities and authorization mechanism security and (5) privacy protection. This series of standards are supported by National Communications Commission (NCC) and Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), R.O.C..


Video Surveillance System Cybersecurity Standard- Part 1: General Requirements

發佈日期:2019-03-26 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0014-1(E) v1.0

TAICS TS-0014-1(E) “Video Surveillance System Cybersecurity Standard-Part 1: General Requirements” addresses general cybersecurity requirements of video surveillance systems with focus on IP cameras, digital video recorders, network video recorders and network attached storages. In addition, associated monitoring centers of all camera screens including local or remote computer devices, mobile device, cloud servers and any network environments connected to surveillance devices which includes Wi-Fi access points, routers, switches and so on. This series of standards are supported by National Communications Commission (NCC) and Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), R.O.C..



發佈日期:2019-03-26 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0009 v2.0

本標準為TAICS TS-0009 智慧建築安全監控系統資料格式標準v1.0之更新版本,內容包含防盜保全、CCTV監視、門禁對講、停車管理、消防監測、有害氣體監測等系統之上層主要系統整合平台(MSI)與下層各單元子系統整合平台(ESI)之間的資料交換格式標準。 藉由採用本標準,可讓建置於住宅、商辦、工廠及學校機關等建築物內之能源管理系統易於整合各子系統,以有效完成安全監控資料分析、儲存、監視及控制等功能,在安全、舒適、便利的前提下達到安全監控之目的。 推動方面為搭配公部門建設(如公宅),提供規劃發包規格與驗收之參考,目前台北市政府預計將採用此標準。



發佈日期:2019-01-30 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0019 v2.0

本版測試規範(v2.0)係延續 TAICS TS-0019 v1.0「行動票證讀卡機與行動載具測試規範」進行增修。應用場域從原版本(v1.0)之零售商店擴大到大眾運輸目的場域,以有效涵蓋民眾生活應用範圍。在讀卡機的選取上,除以市占約八成的NFC功能手機作為互通性測試之樣本外,於本版加入目前公車巴士市占率最高之前兩款讀卡機(6858-BV:35%, 8543-BV:19.2%)、與交通部台灣鐵路局於全省使用之讀卡機(8570-AG:100%) ,並根據其特性予以調整測試點位、感應距離、感應時間,實施射頻與互通性測試。 本測試規範之訂定係以提升行動票證設備(包含讀卡機與行動載具)交易成功率為目的,以增進我國行動支付的普及。



發佈日期:2018-12-26 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0021-3 v1.0

本測試規範依據 TAICS TS-0020-3 v1.0「智慧巴士資通訊系統資安標準-第三部:智慧站牌」訂定,並結合TAICS TS-0021-1 v1.0「智慧巴士資通訊系統資安測試規範-第一部:一般要求」之使用,以提供智慧巴士車載機裝置製造商、系統整合商及物聯網資安檢測實驗室等,作為相關產品檢測技術的依據。本測試規範中具體明列智慧站牌資安檢測之測試項目、測試條件、測試方法及預期結果等事項,以確保測試程序的完整性及測試資料的一致性。本測試規範適用範圍為架設於營業大客車所行駛營運路線站點,提供到站資訊或即時動態資訊之智慧站牌產品。

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