Infocom security test specification of embedded software on smartphone systems (ESS)
發佈日期:2021-01-28 / 文件編號:TAICS TS-0030(E) v1.1:2021
The specification of TAICS TS-0030 v1.1 “Infocom security test specification of embedded software on smartphone systems” had been developed based on TAICS TS-0029 v1.0 “Infocom security standard of embedded software on smartphone systems”. The testing issues for each security requirement listed in TAICS TS-0029 v1.0, including testing items, testing environment setup, testing steps, and judgement criteria, will be described in detail. It’s expected the specification can be adopted by smartphone manufacturers, software developers, and testing laboratories for developing their smartphone business, respectively.
This specification is supported by National Communications Commission (NCC), R.O.C. and will be the basis for ESS testing and certification.