迎戰5G標準新世代,邁向國際市場搶先機! 挾著IEEE 802.11系列標準在全球商業成功的優勢,這次IEEE將以WiFi的標準來切入未來的5G系統,是否與3GPP又要重演4G的WiMax跟LTE的大戰呢? 國際間5G標準論戰即將展開,台灣的網通業者又該如何因應呢?
緣此,台灣資通產業標準協會(TAICS)與工研院特舉辦「WiFi與5G -IEEE的5G標準規劃研討會」,邀請了IEEE-SA代表Dr. Andrew Myles與工研院專家與您一起分享IEEE未來的5G規劃與5G非授權頻譜技術,協助台灣產業更加了解WiFi以及非授權頻帶在5G中所扮演的角色。
本次會議的主題將涵蓋: IEEE的5G計畫(5G Initiative)、IEEE與3GPP在5G標準的競合,以及目前最新的LTE與WiFi聚合技術,藉以讓國內相關廠商(LTE、WiFi、small cell)能更加了解3GPP及IEEE的5G標準發展現況與未來發展。敬邀台灣產業先進共同針對上述議題深度交流。
活動名稱: WiFi與5G-IEEE的5G標準規劃研討會(Vision of Future Technology in 5G and
Wi-Fi – IEEE 802 5G Activities)
活動日期: 106年3月30日(四) 10:00~12:25
活動地點: 交通部集思會議中心國際會議廳(北市杭州南路一段24號三樓)
活動費用: 全程免費參加 (敬備餐點)
聯絡窗口: (02)2356-7698#601陳小姐 #605 朱小姐
主辦單位: 台灣資通產業標準協會
協辦單位: 工業技術研究院
贊助廠商: 台灣羅德史瓦茲有限公司
(一) WiFi與5G–IEEE的5G標準規劃研討會
Opening Speech
TAICS Secretary General - Dr. Sheng-Lin Chou
IEEE on 5G
Cisco - Dr. Andrew Myles
IEEE 802 5G Initiatives and Global 5G
Cisco - Dr. Andrew Myles
3GPP LWA (LTE-WiFi Aggregation) and LWIP
ITRI - Dr. Wei-Cheng Pao
IEEE-SA President Don Wright
The future of Standardization
IEEE-SA President Don Wright
【Biography for Dr Andrew Myles】
Andrew Myles received his BSc in Computer Science & Pure Mathematics in
1985, and his BE in Electrical Engineering (First Class Honours &
University Medal) in 1987, both from the University of Sydney in Australia. He
received a PhD for his work on aspects of Mobile-IP and on a MAC suitable for
operation with a 60Hz PHY from Macquarie University in Australia in 1996.
Myles has had a diverse career, having worked in corporate research labs
(Hewlett Packard Labs in the United Kingdom from 1987-1989, working on FDDI
& DQDB systems and standards), university research labs (Macquarie Park
Research from 1990-1994 in Sydney, working on SDMS systems, router
architectures, Mobile IP and 60GHz wireless systems), management consulting
(Arthur D Little from 1995-1999 & PA Consulting in 1999, working on a
variety of technology and business related projects in Switzerland, the US and
across Asia) and a technology start-up (Radiata from 1999-2001 in Sydney). He
also spent most of 1990 going “walkabout” in Africa, traveling and hitchhiking
overland from Morocco to South Africa. At Radiata, Dr Myles was the Director of
Protocols, leading a group developing an IEEE 802.11 MAC implementation for the
world’s first working IEEE 802.11a PHY implementation. He joined Cisco Systems
in their Wireless Network Business Unit when Radiata was acquired just before
the “tech crash” in 2001.
Myles is currently the Manager of Enterprise Standards in the Chief Technology
& Architecture Office at Cisco Systems. He is based in Cisco System’s
Sydney offices but describes himself as the “ultimate international teleworker
and citizen of the world” because he mostly works with people outside
Australia, usually starting at 5am each morning. His work at Cisco Systems has
historically focused on standards and certification work related to the IEEE
802.11 Working Group and the Wi-Fi Alliance. However, his scope currently
covers all networking standards and certifications relevant to business
Myles has been a voting member of the IEEE 802.11 Working Group since 2001, and
was the Editor of IEEE 802.11h (Spectrum Management to enable use of 802.11
5GHz systems in Europe) from 2001-2003. He became the Chair of the IEEE 802
JTC1 Standing Committee in 2009, which is the group coordinating activity
between IEEE 802 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6. Both as a member and Chair of this
group, Dr Myles has defended and promoted IEEE 802 standards within the
international standards community (particularly the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
standard, various IEEE 802.1 security standards and the IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi
standard). He has undertaken a similar role as the Head of Delegation of the US
National Body delegation to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6, and a participant of the
corresponding US National Body Project 5 TAG. For this work, Dr Myles was
awarded the IEEE Standards Association International Award in 2013.
Myles is a strong supporter of international standards governance activities,
particularly promoting the OpenStand principles sponsored by IEEE-SA, IETF, W3C
and others. He was a Director on the IEEE Standards Association Standards Board
in 2015, and was appointed as a Governor on the IEEE Standards Association
Board of Governors in 2016-17.
Myles has also promoted the use of IEEE 802.11 through his work in the Wi-Fi
Alliance. He has been a Director of the Wi-Fi Alliance Board since 2003, was
the Vice-Chair in 2006 and the Chair from 2006-2011. He briefly acted as the
organisation’s Executive Director in 2007. He is currently the Chair of the
Wi-Fi Alliance’s Liaison Committee.
Myles is the author of fourteen issued US and international patents, eight
filed US patent applications and one expired Australian patent.
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