6th TAICS-TTA Joint Workshop-3GPP NTN and B5G technology trend

  • 發佈日期:2024-09-09
活動日期2024/10/29(二) 13:30~17:00
主辦單位台灣資通產業標準協會 TAICS 、韓國電信技術協會 TTA
聯絡窗口(02)2356-7698# 601黃小姐、#605朱小姐
報名起迄2024-09-10 12:00:00 ~ 2024-10-24 23:55:00

6th TAICS-TTA Joint Workshop

-3GPP NTN and B5G technology trend


       為迎向3GPP NTN and B5G technology trend,國際標準組織正熱烈討論中。3GPP的 R17 版本,已包含非地面網路(NTN, Non-Terrestrial Networks)存取,低軌衛星在各方業者的推動下,將達成陸海空無縫連結、全覆蓋立體通訊的應用情境,亦為行動通訊市場帶來全新的變革與商機。本次主題設定為 3GPP NTN and B5G technology trend,邀請台韓大廠技術代表共同發表,希冀藉由前瞻技術發展以及產業應用的分享,進一步掌握產業技術與應用發展趨勢。


時間:2024/10/29 (二) 13:30~17:00

地點:交通部集思國際會議中心3樓國際會議廳 (台北市杭州南路一段24號)

主辦單位:台灣資通產業標準協會 (TAICS) 、韓國電信技術協會 (TTA)

協辦單位: 工業技術研究院







Opening and Welcome Speech

Dr. Sheng-Lin Chou, TAICS Secretary General
Mr. Jaebum Lee, TTA Vice President, Head of the Management Planning Division


Group Photo


Opportunities in Integrated NTN/TN 6G Systems

   Prof. Hung-Yu Wei, National Taiwan University


CHTTL's View on B5G/6G

   Yu-Chen Kuo, Associate Senior Researcher, Chunghwa   Telecom Laboratories


NTN from the operator's perspective: Can it be a leverage on bringing a new business opportunity?

   Dr. Seongkwan Kim, Team Leader, KT


Accelerate B5G and 6G Development with Digital Twin and Artificial Intelligence

   Jeffrey Chen, General Manager, Greater China Wireless & Network Solutions Engineering Organization, Keysight


LGE's view on 3GPP RAN NTN

   Dr. Seungmin Lee, Principal Research Engineer, LGE


Break (10 min.)


Migrating 5G Satellite Communications toward 6G - MediaTek’s Vision and R&D Sharing

  Dr. I Kang Fu, Senior Director of Technology, MediaTek


ETRI's Perspective on NTN Standardization: A 3GPP SA Approach to 6G Connectivity

  Dr. Namseok Ko, Director, Mobile Core Network Research Section, ETRI


ITRI's perspective on the developmental trends of non-terrestrial network technologies

  Pi-Chen Chiu Deputy Technical Director, Information and Communications Research Laboratories, ITRI


6G plan and status in Korea

  Prof. Hyeonwoo Lee, Dankook University


Summary of WS & Closing Comment (5 min.)

  Workshop Moderator






Prof. Hung-Yu Wei,

National Taiwan University

Prof. Hung-Yu Wei is a Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Communications Engineering (GICE), National Taiwan University. He is the Director of NTU GICE. He served as Associate Department Chair and Interim Department Chair during 2019~2022. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University. He received the M.S. and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Columbia University. He joined National Taiwan University in 2005. His research interests include next-generation wireless networks, IoT, and fog/edge computing. He is the Chair of IEEE 1935 working group for edge/fog management and orchestration standard.

Yu-Chen Kuo,

Associate Senior Researcher,

Chunghwa Telecom

Yu-Chen Kuo received the M.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from National Tsing Hua University. She has been working in wireless communication laboratory for more than 15 years. Her major research covers mobile communication, spectrum management and regulation, and next generation wireless broadband networks.

Dr. Seongkwan Kim,

Team Leader,


Seongkwan Kim is a Head of 6G NTN Research Team at Network R&D Lab., Network Group, KT Corp. His main interest is to find an intersection of use cases, technologies, and monetization opportunities for the next generation wireless and satellite network business and eco system. His current research topic includes interworking between terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks including spectrum/RAN sharing and new waveform, cost-effective coverage enhancement, Open/Cloud RAN, etc. Before joining KT, he was with Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea as a Senior Research Staff for four years. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Korea University in 2002 and 2004, respectively, and received his Ph.D. at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University in 2009. He hold over 20 patents, and a few more patents pending. He co-authored 28 technical papers. He won the KT CEO Award (the best contributor of the year) in 2016 and other numerous awards from his affiliates and during graduate students.

Jeffrey Chen,

General Manager,

Greater China Wireless & Network Solutions Engineering Organization,


Jeffrey Chen leads the wireless and network solutions engineering teams, providing solution development, delivery, and support services in various wireless industries. The technologies involved includes 6G, 5G and 4G/3G/2G mobile communication, wireless infrastructures, Open RAN, wireless connectivity, Internet of Things, millimeter-wave communication, satellite communication, etc. These services cater to customers working with chipset IC and device designers, researchers, manufacturers, operators, and certification labs in the Greater China region.

Since 2016, Jeffrey has also held the position of Greater China Key Account CTO. In this role, he provides a broader perspective that encompasses design, simulation, the crucial aspects of test and measurement. This enables effective technical collaboration with major customers, ensuring seamless support throughout the entire process.

Jeffrey has obtained master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University. He began his career in 1999 by joining Hewlett Packard Taiwan as a project and application engineer for system solutions.

Dr. Seungmin Lee,

Principal Research Engineer,

LG Electronics

Seungmin Lee is Principal Research Engineer and leads 3GPP standardization activities for connected cars in LG Electronics. Since he joined LG Electronics in 2010, he has been involved in standardization and technology development for 3GPP LTE and 5G systems in the areas including HetNet, CoMP, eIMTA, D2D, V2X, and NTN. He worked as Rapporteur of 5G V2X standardization in 3GPP Rel-17/18. In recognition of his contributions to the advancement of domestic and international information and communication technology, he received the Haedong Young Engineer Award from the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences in 2022.

Dr. I-Kang Fu,

Senior Director of Technology,


Dr. I-Kang Fu received his Ph.D degree from National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, in 2007. He is currently a Director of Standard Strategy in MediaTek, contributing to Beyond 5G standardization in 3GPP TSG-RAN, driving new technology initiatives such as cellular/satellite network integration, and exploring pre-6G technology trends. Prior to 5G, he had been actively contributing to B3G and 4G standardization work in IEEE/3GPP since 2005. He is now serving as TAICS TC1 (Advanced Mobile Communication) Chairman position.

Dr. Namseok Ko,



- KAIST Ph.D. (2015)

- Director of Mobile Core Network Research Section in ETRI

- Adjunct Professor of UST

- Vice Chair of ITU-T SG11

- Chair of Network Technology Working Group in 6G Forum

Pi-Chen Chiu,

Deputy Technical Director,

Information and Communications Research Laboratories,


Pi-Chen Chiu is the Deputy Director of the Intelligent Network Application and System Division at ITRI. With over 20 years of extensive experience in the development of mobile communications and intelligent network management technologies, she is currently focused on creating next-generation intelligent management solutions for wireless networks. Her work includes O-RAN Service Management and Orchestration (SMO), RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC), Self-Organizing Network (SON) technologies, network digital twin technology, and Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) technologies for both terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks.

Dr. LEE, HyeonWoo, 


DanKook University

-PhD. at KAIST, MBA at Sogang Univ. BEE at Seoul National Univ.

-2009~ 2013: Worked for Government in Mobile R&D Planning

-1984~2009: Worked for Samsung Telecom R&D Center


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