[2024 TAICS標準論壇] 3GPP B5G/6G標準與技術趨勢

  • 發佈日期:2024-05-15
活動日期2024/06/24(一) 10:00~16:30
活動地點國立臺灣大學學新館二樓SPACE M (台北市羅斯福路四段1號)(臺北市大安區舟山路10巷1弄4號)
聯絡窗口(02)2356-7698# 601黃小姐、#605朱小姐
報名起迄2024-05-17 09:00:00 ~ 2024-06-19 23:55:00
活動費用會員NT$0; 非會員NT$500

2024 TAICS標準論壇

3GPP B5G/6G標準與技術趨勢


5G 到 6G之新世代通訊,不僅追求人聯之網路效能,更帶動各垂直領域邁向物聯之智慧應用,通訊網路將為人和物提供更好的連結,以進一步推動人聯、物聯、乃至於智聯之智能社會轉變。這其中,各廠商於3GPP技術標準之激烈角力與競合,更是影響通訊技術發展進程,與其隨之商業利益版圖最重要的一環。

本次2024 TAICS標準論壇將以「3GPP B5G/6G標準與技術趨勢」為主題,邀集全球資通訊領導廠商於3GPP擔任重要職務、並實際參與標準制定之專家,包含MTK、Apple、Ericsson、Intel、NTT Docomo、Qualcomm、Samsung等,藉由全球大廠對於技術標準發展的分享,一窺進行中及未來之3GPP標準與技術的展望;同時,也藉由現場與專家對前瞻技術發展之提問與對談,進一步掌握產業技術發展趨勢。

      ( 本次論壇以現場全英文方式舉行,歡迎踴躍報名參加! )


主題: [2024 TAICS標準論壇]-3GPP B5G/6G標準與技術趨勢

時間: 2024/06/24(一)10:00~16:30

地點:國立台灣大學學新館二樓SPACE M (台北市羅斯福路四段1號)

費用: TAICS會員免費參加,非會員酌收500元報名費。

聯絡窗口: 02-2356-7698*601黃小姐、605朱小姐








Welcome Opening

Dr. Sheng-Lin Chou

Secretary General, TAICS


#1: Migrating B5G toward 6G

Dr. I-Kang Fu

Sr. Director of Technology, MediaTek


#2: General thoughts on 6G

Dr. Younsun Kim

Master (VP of Technology), Samsung




#3: Ericsson view on B5G/6G 

Dr. Sorour Falahati

Principal Researcher and Head of Ericsson 3GPP RAN1 delegation, Ericsson


#4: NTT DOCOMO's view on 3GPP B5G/6G Standards and Technology Development

Dr. Hiroki Harada

Manager of the Standardization Team, NTT DOCOMO




#5: Qualcomm view of B5G/6G with a focus on integration of verticals

Gene Fong

Director of Technical Standard, Qualcomm


#6: Apple's view on 6G and 3GPP standardization

Dr. Yang Tang

Senior manager and the head of 3GPP RAN4 team in Apple, Apple




Dr. I-Kang Fu,

Sr. Director of Technology,



Dr. I-Kang Fu is currently a Senior Director of Technology at MediaTek Advanced Communication Technology Division. He received Ph.D degree from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan in 2007, then joined MediaTek at 2008 until now. From 2005, I-Kang has been actively developing and contributing new technologies to mobile cellular standardization projects in IEEE and 3GPP for mobile WiMAX, LTE, NB-IoT and 5G NR systems. He has been leading MediaTek’s NTN R&D initiatives from research, PoC prototype, standardization and support ecosystem engagement since 2019. Now he is also contributing to MediaTek’s 6G R&D initiative. I-Kang has been serving multiple roles in different international/regional standard organizations, including Taiwan standard organization (TAICS) TC1 Chair service since 2018. He also received MediaTek Special Contribution Award and Innovation Award in 2010 and 2023 respectively.

Kim Younsun,

Master (VP of Technology),


Younsun Kim is a Master (VP of Technology) with Samsung Electronics where he leads the research on physical layer standardization of wireless communications. Since joining Samsung in 1999, he has been working on wireless communication standards – starting with 3GPP2 and then moving on to 3GPP. He has served as the Vice-Chair of 3GPP RAN1 from 2017 until 2021. Since 2021, he has been serving as the Chair of the same working group.

Sorour Falahati,

Principal Researcher and Head of Ericsson 3GPP RAN1 delegation,


Sorour Falahati holds a BSc degree from Sharif University of Technology in Iran and MSc. and PhD. degrees in telecommunication from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. She works at Ericsson Research since 2005 and has specialized in the Physical layer design aspects of cellular radio access technologies. She has been with Ericsson 3GPP TSG RAN1 delegation since 2014. She is currently a Principal Researcher and acts as the Head of Ericsson 3GPP RAN1 delegation.

Hiroki Harada,

Manager of the Standardization Team,

NTT Docomo

Hiroki Harada is a manager of the standardization team in NTT DOCOMO, INC. He received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Yokohama National University, Kanagawa, Japan, in 2003, 2005 and 2008, respectively. From 2005 to 2008, he had been a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) research fellow. He joined NTT DOCOMO in 2008 and has since been involved in research and development (R&D) activities related to wireless access technologies for LTE-Advanced, LTE-Advanced Pro, 5G, 5G-Advanced and 6G. He has been an active contributor to 3GPP TSG-RAN WG1 since 2012 and 3GPP TSG-RAN plenary since 2019.

Gene Fong,

Director of Technical Standard,


Gene is serving as Vice Chair of 3GPP RAN4 where he is currently leading the session on basestation RF, UE and BS demodulation, and OTA testing. Gene has been actively participating in RAN4 for more than 15 years with contributions to LTE, LTE-A, and 5G NR.  In addition to standardization and research, he has extensive experience in the practical implementation of cellular, satellite, and short-range wireless communications systems.

Yang Tang,

Senior manager and the head of 3GPP RAN4 team in Apple,


Dr. Yang Tang is currently the senior manager and the head of 3GPP RAN4 team in Apple and responsible for overall RAN4 standard strategy, ecosystem collaboration and technology innovation in both 5G and 6G. He currently serves as the editor of TS38.133 and has been appointed with various leading positions in 3GPP to drive the discussions and conclusions across RF and baseband.  Previous to Apple, he was the head of Intel’s RAN4 team and leading delegate in Huawei USA. Dr. Tang has over 20 years of experience in the wireless communication and standardization. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at University of Sydney and Bachelor Degree with the first class honors from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.





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