EU Cybersecurity Regulations
- EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)
- CE RED Cyber article 3(3) d/e/f
- Worldwide cyber regulation update
Geir Horthe, Certification Manager, Nemko Norway
EU Certification Schemes
-EUCC/EUCS/EU5G update
-Testing and Certification
Roland Atoui, Managing Director, Red Alert Labs, France
議題討論(Panel Discussions)
(EU Cybersecurity Regulations Impacts to Taiwan Industry)
(Recommendations for Manufacturers & Taiwan-EU Collaborations)
-周勝鄰秘書長 台灣資通產業標準協會
(Sheng-Lin Chou, TAICS Secretary General)
-曾逸群博士 台灣資通產業標準協會
(Dr. Mitch Tseng, TAICS Senior Consultant)
-Geir Horth, Nemko
-Roland Atoui, Red Alert Labs
-林宗億 耀睿科技
(Victor Lin, Auray Technology Corp.)
-莊俊雄網通技術長 啟碁科技
(Gene Chuang, CTO, Wistron NeWeb Corp.)
-黃中于資深副總 和碩科技
(Steve Huang, Special Assistant of Chairman & Senior Vice President, Pegatron)
-陳俊良教授, 台科大(Prof. Jiann-Liang Chen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)