[技術分享]Secrets of Autonomous Car Design

  • 發佈日期:2017-06-26
  • 資料來源:台灣資通產業標準協會 TAICS
活動日期2017/07/06(四) 10:00~11:30
活動地點台灣資通產業標準協會第一會議室 (北市重慶南路二段51號八樓之一)
執行單位台灣資通產業標準協會、雲創隆科技股份有限公司 ; 協辦: 工業技術研究院
聯絡窗口02-23567698#601陳小姐 #605朱小姐
報名起迄2017-06-26 12:00:00 ~ 2017-07-05 00:00:00
活動費用會員NT$0; 非會員NT$500

Secrets of Autonomous Car Design


The technology story is autonomous drive cars, or “carbots.” Carbots will finally replace the weakest safety system: drivers cause 94% of all fatal accidents. RTI originally developed our “databus” technology for autonomy (flying robots).

Now, it’s great for intelligent carbots.

在智慧交通系統(ITS)編列大量預算想做的車聯網計畫,在IIC已有測試台。RTI是重要技術提供者之一。本次Dr. Howard將介紹DDS (The Data Distribution Service) 國際標準技術,歡迎參加!



議 程


Secrets of Autonomous Car Design

(Howard Wang, Ph.D.)




Howard Wang, Ph.D., Director of Sales, APAC and Principal Applications Engineer

Howard is an expert in real-time systems specializing in network communications and systems integration. He has consulted with companies worldwide in the US, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Starting with his thesis research at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute to working with Schilling Robotic Systems to develop new unmanned underwater systems, Howard has extensive experience with complex real-time and distributed systems. He has also consulted with NASA Kennedy Space Center in an effort to rewrite the launch and processing software for the Space Shuttle and next generation launch vehicles for the US space program.

Working with Real-Time Innovations (RTI) since 1996, Howard is currently responsible for expanding the adoption of DDS technology in the Asia-Pacific region. He is an expert in DDS, Data Distribution Service, the international standard used by companies for systems integration in hundreds of programs around the world. He often consults with customers who need to migrate their legacy systems to use the new data-centric design paradigms offered by DDS.

Howard received his Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University in 1996. He also holds a Masters from Stanford and 2 Bachelors of Engineering in Aerospace and Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan. Howard has authored several papers presented in international journals and conferences.

Howard是專門從事網絡通信和系統集成的實時系統專家。他曾與美國、歐洲和亞太地區的全球公司進行了合作。從Monterey Bay水族館的研究所論文研究開始,與Schilling機器人系統合作開發新的無人水下系統,Howard在複雜的實時和分佈式系統方面擁有豐富的經驗。他還與NASA甘迺迪航天中心合作,努力重寫航天飛機的發射和處理軟件以及美國太空計劃的下一代運載火箭。




· 主辦單位:台灣資通產業標準協會

· 活動日期:201776(星期四) 10:00~11:30

· 會議地點:台北市重慶南路二段51號八樓之一台灣資通產業標準協會 (第一會議室)

· 參加費用:會員免費,非會員500元。

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· 聯絡窗口:02-23567698#601陳小姐 #605朱小姐

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