迎戰5G新世代 邁向國際搶先機
台灣資通產業標準協會(TAICS)今日於交通部集思會議中心舉辦「Wi-Fi與5G–IEEE的5G標準規劃研討會」。會中特別邀請電機電子工程師學會IEEE-SA主席Don Wright及代表Andrew Myles分享未來5G規劃與5G非授權頻譜技術。雙方並於TAICS會員大會中簽訂合作備忘錄(MOU),共同發展5G國際標準。
電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)為世界上最大的專業技術組織之一,旨在推動電機、通訊領域的科技發展。IEEE-SA是 IEEE中負責標準發展的單位,目前已發展900多個商業標準技術,影響力遍及全球,現行Wi-Fi標準即是由IEEE所制定。透過與IEEE的合作關係,TAICS將積極參與IEEE標準制定活動,結合國內產官學研力量,共同建立5G系統中的Wi-Fi技術標準,帶領台灣廠商掌握先機佈局5G發展。
無線網路的應用廣泛,從居家環境、辦公場所、到戶外移動時對數據、多媒體資訊的傳輸皆屬其範疇。5G行動通訊技術的典範轉移,各大電信業者皆積極投入5G網路建設,TAICS亦在國際標準制定上合縱連橫,在過去一年中,已與ETSI、ARIB、TTC、CCSA、NGMN 等國際重要標準組織建立雙邊合作框架。今日與IEEE簽署合作備忘錄,將進一步與世界接軌,帶動實質產業效益。

圖說:台灣資通產業標準協會(TAICS)3月30日於交通部集思國際會議中心與IEEE簽訂合作備忘錄,共同發展5G標準。左為IEEE-SA主席Mr. Don Wright;右為TAICS理事長曾鏘聲。

圖說:台灣資通產業標準協會理事長曾鏘聲表示,很高興與電機工程領域的翹楚IEEE 簽署合作備忘錄,雙方將密切合作,共同建立5G系統的Wi-Fi技術標準,帶領台灣廠商掌握先機佈局5G發展

Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the IEEE
Preparing for the New 5G Era by Seizing International Business Opportunities
Taipei, Taiwan (30th March, 2017) Today, Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards (TAICS) held the Wi-Fi & 5G: IEEE 5G Standards Planning Seminar at the GIS MOTC Convention Center. Don Wright, IEEE-SA president, and Andrew Myles, IEEE-SA representative, attended the event to share the future plans of the IEEE 5G and IEEE 5G unlicensed spectrum technology. TAICS and the IEEE also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during the TAICS General Assembly to facilitate cooperation on items of common interest.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is one of the largest professional and technical organizations in the world; their goal is to advance the development of science and technology in the field of electric power, electronics and communications. Within IEEE, IEEE-SA is the unit responsible for developing new standards; to date, it has developed more than 900 commercial standard technologies. IEEE has made a big impact throughout the world, including the development of the current international Wi-Fi standards. Through this cooperation with IEEE, TAICS will actively participate in their standardization of technology and integrate resources from various sectors including the manufacturer, government, academia, and research institution to establish Wi-Fi technology standards within the 5G system, and to guide Taiwanese manufacturers to take advantage of the new 5G business opportunities.
Wireless network applications are widely used for data transmission in private homes, offices, and outdoor environments. In order to shift from 4G to 5G mobile communication technology, major telecom carriers have been actively investing in 5G network construction. During the past year, TAICS has worked with several organizations including ETSI, ARIB, TTC, CCSA, and NGMN, to establish multiple bilateral cooperation frameworks. By signing this MOU with the IEEE today, TAICS will be able to boost Taiwan’s industrial competitiveness and take part in the development of the latest international standards.
Looking to the future, TAICS will continue to forge partnerships with other international organizations, offer its assistance to help domestic industries transform, and enhance the visibility and influence of Taiwan's ICT industry on the international stage.