佈局全球ITS標準商機 借鏡TTA測試認證經驗
5G和AI是發展智慧城市與智慧交通的基石;智慧駕駛牽涉路況辨識、環境偵測、即時反應以及各種安全性的考量,不容閃失;全球科技大廠、車廠爭相發展,即將顛覆人類生活。台灣資通產業標準協會(TAICS)今日(9/5)舉辦「TAICS年度標準論壇」,特以The Future of ITS為主題,邀請ARIB、CCSA、ETSI、IEEE、TSDSI、TTC、TTA等國際標準組織齊聚一堂,就智慧運輸系統(ITS, Intelligent Transportation System)相關標準與技術發展進行交流,TAICS理事長曾鏘聲表示:「技術門檻如同跳高,99%=0。台灣不大,但就像交響樂裡面的小樂器,即使不起眼,也可以發揮關鍵角色,成就優美的樂章。」
曾鏘聲於論壇中與韓國電信技術協會(TTA, The Telecommunications Technology)主席Mr. Park Jaemoon簽署合作備忘錄(MoU),雙方將於5G、資訊安全與IoT等標準建立合作框架。TTA成立於1988年,目前已制訂超過15,000個標準,對韓國ICT發展貢獻極大。TTA亦與30多個國際認證的測試實驗室(oneM2M、ITU-T、AirFuel、WPC、ATSC…等)合作,提供測試與認證服務。未來TAICS除了與TTA在發展標準上合作,亦將借鏡TTA之測試、認證與營運模式;目標在一年內與國內檢測實驗室合作建立標準檢測與認證制度,縮短台灣資通產業取得國際認證的時間。
Creating ITS Standards with Global Standard Organizations for Business Opportunities
TAICS & Taiwan's Information and Communication Industries Working Together Toward a Globalized Future
TAIPEI, Taiwan (September 5, 2017) - 5G and AI are key cornerstones in the development of smart cities and transportation. Self-driving cars involve road condition identification, environmental detection, instant reaction time, as well as numerous safety considerations. Major technology companies and automobile manufacturers are competing fiercely in this area, and people's lives are about to be dramatically changed. The Annual Standards Forum hosted by the Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards (TAICS) took place today with "The Future of ITS" as the main topic in which several international standardization organizations, including ARIB, CCSA, ETSI, IEEE, TSDSI, TTC and TTA were invited to exchange ideas related to the development of ITS standards and technologies. The goal of the event is to help Taiwan take advantage of global opportunities in automotive information, communication, and intelligent transportation. Chairman Jonathan Tsang stated, "Overcoming the technical barriers to entry is like a high jump competition, 99% effort will not be enough to win. Even though Taiwan may not be the largest, however it certainly plays an integral part in the industry similar to how the smallest instruments in the orchestra can be determinate of a symphony’s success to produce a beautiful masterpiece."
During the event, TAICS Chairman Jonathan Tsang signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with TTA President Park Jaemoon. A cooperation framework between both sides will be established with a vision to share best practices and identify possible areas for co-operation which may include 5G, information safety, and IoT. TTA was established in 1988, and has formulated over 15,000 standards making it a major contributor to South Korea's ICT development. TTA works with more than 30 accredited international standard laboratories (oneM2M, ITU-T, AirFuel, WPC, ATSC, etc.) to provide various testing and certification services. TAICS will not only work with TTA to develop the international standards, but also learn from TTA’s testing, certification and operation models with the goal to establish Taiwan's own verification and certification system using domestic testing labs within one year. This will reduce the time required for Taiwan's information and communication industries to obtain international standard certifications.
As Taiwan's official point of contact for connecting with international standard organizations, TAICS will continue to work closely with others in various areas and participate in the formulation of international standards to guide Taiwan's industrial transformation and pave the way for new industry opportunities.

圖一:「TAICS年度標準論壇」以The Future of ITS為主題,邀集各重要國際標準組織齊聚一堂

圖二:TAICS與TTA簽署合作備忘錄,將於5G、資訊安全與IoT等標準建立合作框架(左至右:見證人-經濟部技術處處長羅達生、TTA主席Mr. Park Jaemoon、TAICS理事長曾鏘聲、見證人-中華智慧運輸協會理事長張永昌)

